Services. |
Efficient storage is a must. Too much precious time is wasted looking for that particular shirt or that other shoe. We believe in having a place for everything and everything in its place. Is there a pile on your closet floor?
Get that sporting gear off the floor, those Christmas boxes out of sight, and those tools behind closed doors. Have you ever been embarrassed to have your garage door open for the neighbors to see?
Home Offices.
Every home has an office, but not all home offices are created equal. It’s time to trade in that rickety desk and ugly metal file cabinet for a beautiful, furniture-grade work station!
And More!
In addition to the usual shindig, we have also dealt with a wide variety of other needs such as Kitchen Face-Lifts, Pantries, Entertainment Centers, Wall Beds, Bookshelves, Mud Rooms and more! What is it that you need?
Questions? Call us at (530) 277-2682 (Pam Grein) or (530) 788-5306 (Brynn Brauner)